An artwork of Sparkster flying seen in a video game magazine advert of Rocket Knight Adventures
An artwork of Sparkster from a Konami advert of Sparkster
Artwork of Sparkster going to fall from the castle's edge seen in the Japanese manual of Rocket Knight Adventures
Artwork of instructions on how to control Sparkster in Rocket Knight Adventures
Sparkster along with Axel Gear seen in the cover of Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2 and the SNES version.
Artwork of Sparkster fighting against the Wolf Shredder in
Rocket KnightSparkster, who originally was "Blaster" during his development stage. His appearance was much more serious looking.
A second concept artwork of "Blaster", who resembles somewhat to the final version of Sparkster.
Another concept artwork of Sparkster seen in a March issue of Beep! MegaDrive
Another Concept Artwork of Sparkster as "Blaster".
Concept artwork depicting various designs for Sparkster
Concept artwork of Blaster (Sparkster) now named as Booster depicting him standing and flying
Concept art from Sparkster
Various sketches depicting Sparkster in different poses for
Rocket KnightColored samples and full view of Sparkster's design for
Rocket KnightPurchaseable Sparkster Avatar in the PlayStation Store for
Rocket Knight