Rocket Knight Wiki

Digipony Digipony 14 June 2018

Sadly, I don't think Sparkster will ever join Smash Bros.

Since he was mentioned in this Kotaku article, there's this opinion of mine that I want to say, however, you may think I'm a jerk for saying that I have no hope for him to join but remember, I like Sparkster too and I wished just like all the others that he can join Super Smash Bros. but he can't and there's a reason why...

1. Somewhere I heard that Sakurai said that only recognizable characters are allowed to join not non-recognizable characters. (If anyone knows where he said this, please add a comment to this blog, so I can add a source.)

2. According to this Japanese fansite: he’s “somewhat” known in the U.S but not Japan, which is the place where he was originally created mind y…

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Digipony Digipony 6 June 2018

Rocket Knight Adventures on the Japanese Beep! MegaDrive Magazines

Since I've discover this through a tumblr post, there's interesting stuff of RKA in the issues released in 1993. Stuff seen in the magazine is screenshots or artworks never before seen. I might update this blog if I find more RKA related content within the magazines. Credit to the user(s) from SegaRetro who were able to get these! Tools I used for are SmallPDF, to extract the pages, and Online-Convert to convert them to PNGs.

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Digipony Digipony 22 February 2017

Rare Rocket Knight Merchandise

Besides the rare Sparkster pin, (which is based on this artwork) there's this promotion card for RKA (courtesy and owned by Rapidkirby3k) but then there's this... A rare inflatable Sparkster figure! Owned by juliusviloria858.

Now it makes me somewhere out there... The official Rocket Knight Adventures T-Shirt, Cap, and Frisbee is under someone's ownership...

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Digipony Digipony 5 February 2016

Interesting Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2 BETA Stuff Found this after randomly searching about Sparkster stuff. What's interesting is the concept artwork of Sparkster was different, and was originally going to shoot mini-missiles from his jetpack. The first concept artwork of Sparkster looks kinda "gritty" and not the cute opossum we currently have, his appearance resembles that of Fang the Sniper/Nack the Weasel from the Sonic the Hedgehog series.

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Digipony Digipony 30 January 2016

I am Admin now and new features introduced

As I'm admin now, I have introduced new features: Users who haven't have an account must required to create/or log in to edit or comment, Message Walls and Forums are here. I will make the Wiki's logo but I'm busy. But the wiki's background is a problem.

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